Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Before you say "I Do"

Most persons, mostly the ladies feels the best achievement in life after acquiring education is "marriage". Everyone wants to get married by all means without adequate preparation.  

Before you say I do, there are few questions that you need to ask yourself ;

 * How prepared are you for marriage?

 * Are you ready to face some
      unforeseen circumstances
                     in marriage?

 * Are you aware that marriage is
               a life -  time journey?

 * How prepared are you to make
               sacrifices  in your

 * Do you know that there's no
            babysitting attitudes
                   in marriage?

 * Are you ready to enjoy the good times                      and endure the bad times
                        in marriage?

* Are you getting married because
         you're ready for it or is it
            because all your friends
               are getting married?

 *  Are you really prepared to do it?

 * Hope you know that divorce is improper                          and not an option?
 Marriage is full of surprises, not all that glitter is actually gold, hope you know this!!
 While making adequate plans for your wedding don't forget to prepare for your marriage. Don't be carried away in marriage fantasy rather be zealous towards one another and also, create room for little things. This makes a big difference in our hearts. I know it sounds reminiscent because we take each other for granted. Make your spouse feels that they are truly treasured, this can add more spices to you marriage.

Before you say "I Do", be sure that you and your spouse are meant for each other, let the union be genuine. Don't rush into marriage because of family, friends or life's  challenging situations. Be sure is what you're ready for .