Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Love is Funny

Everything about life and love is funny. Most times, the ones we care for don't care less. Very funny indeed!!!

 When you are the only one feeling love and care for someone without the other paying attention to you, just know that the attention is somewhere else. Don't waste your time and effort loving. Isn't it funny that the ones we love, loves another. Indeed love is actually blind but true love is adorable but scarce, unless it's waves is blown to your direction.
I remembered a friend telling me about her love story. According to her, she fell in love with her boyfriend not knowing that she was drawing. He doesn't even make her any of his priority. He hardly calls,she has no choice than to call him. After having sex with her nothing else matters. It took her three years to realize how funny love can be.

Could love be this funny?.... Actually it could be. This is because most attributes that constitute in loving someone are lacking in our attitudes. There's no room for tolerance, endurance, forgiveness nor mercy. That's why most people believe love is for the strong hearted and brave ones. If so, what then is Love?.....

However, I advice  my friend never to regret any of her past actions. This is because they help to strengthened and encourage her to become a better person. All her hurts actually thought her a lot in life.