Thursday, September 24, 2020

Sexual Compatibility

 Sexual compatibility is the degree to which partners perceives they share similar or same sexual beliefs, needs and desires as well as being on the same page. However, being sexually compatible with someone doesn't mean having amazing sex all the time. In essence, sexual compatibility as it were, is all about being able to interact or communicate with your partner about everything.

Today, women feel comfortable and are able to tell men when they truly want sex. They are able to say 'yes' without shame and 'no' without any form of guilt when a man suggests that he want sex.


Most men today uses the idea of sex to prove if a woman loves them or not. Sex has become the determinant for love. They would sound like,' if you truly love me you will have sex with me to seal our love unless you don't love me'. This simply proves that the man doesn't love you but wants to use your body for fun.

With this consciousness, as a woman, you don't need to be scared of loosing such a man. He is not meant for you. In the end you will me meet someone who will is not willing to change anything in you but to love you just the way you are.

Yes, sex can happen on the very first you meet an attractive individual but mutual respect for each order is a necessity as this can lead to a pleasurable sexuality other than being compelled into it.

There is no need for emotional and sexual exploitation. Instead let love and sex be based on personal sexual responsibility in which the needs and desires of each people in relationship are accepted wholeheartedly.

Let there be sexual compatibility. This is because sex is a basic instinct that needs to be enjoyed by both men and women.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Be Yourself

 No one can be you than yourself. No matter what always be your true self. No one is smarter than you and no one is better than you. Just because someone is doing better than you doesn't mean that he / she is better than you.

Just be yourself, ife is too short to be someone else. Life is how you live it. Always believe in yourself.

No one can be you than yourself. Always remember the law of potential difference. You are well equipped with you own potentials so is another. No one should make you feel inferior. You have the ability to be greater than anyone, if only you can possess the possibility right frame of mine. Anything is possible to him that believe.

Whenever you feel like giving up, think of those wishing for just one chance to amend their lives. There are so many shattered plans, lives, destinies and purposes of so many persons all over the world, but you are different, don't you think you need to be grateful for who you are. This is because your current status is someone else's prayer point.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Shattered Love

Frankly speaking, I have heard from people who speaks about their various relationships' and love life but non has struck me more negatively like that of 'Gifted Brown'. Her luck with love was quite extraordinary. And it began quite early.

According to her, she was with him, her very first love who deflowered her in early July, 2019 after being with him in a relationship for 3 years. Distance they say was a barrier to many distance relationships but love could have been a connection for any distance relationship. Maybe, it might be for others but not in Gifted Brown's case. She was engrossed in her love for him that she never realized that the relationship was a one sided affair. What became an eye opener was also responsible for her pains. Yes, men play games a lot but is it really necessary? How come what brings smiles on our faces within a second can as well reflect frowns on our faces and caused pains in our inner being.

So many persons have made life miserable for the brave at heart who took the bull of love with pleasure. In the case of Gifted, her bravery was shattered, pains and tears became her diet. Could she be dreaming. It was clear to her then that 3 years was not 3 days. Three years of turning other men down for one man was gone. He was a jerk after all. So many questions unattended to, she sometimes questions her integrity and existence. Was he patient with her for the past 3 years just to go through her paradise or could she have been patient enough to obey the Holy Book that goes against sex before marriage ( formication). What could be wrong, she wondered.

 He never broke up with her formally but after having her the relationship was over. Months later, she realized that she was pregnant after going through series of stress both emotional, she lost the baby but still grateful for life. Despite having knowledge of these events in Gifted's life, he never showed kindness neither was he remorseful of his actions. To him, it was over long ago but another have to bore the mark of remembrance. Can weak people stop trading love for sex. Being weak in loving others is OK, but influencing others with your weakness is devilish and inessential. Could there be a time in this our generation where good people will not be deceived and hurt by the bad ones? I guess, not yet.

 I was seized by her story and I found myself totally ensconced in it. It could happen to anyone, either me or you. How can someone go through such agony for the sake of love. What a ' shattered love' it was, but more profoundly, Gifted Brown still remains an extraordinary individual with great potential. One thing I learnt from her story is that family will always be family. In it all, they stood by her, this act alone I believe will strengthen and quicken her inner being to realize and embrace her potentials.