Saturday, January 9, 2021

8 Important Quotes on Life

 Life is not as merciful as we are. Life sometimes hits us so hard with one challenge after another, you feel like crying - you even cry deeply without knowing and you want to give up on life.

That's not the right choice. You're not the only one going through it, I am as well but it can only get better when we are courageous and determined.

Here's 8 life quotes to enable you strive harder to attain success in life and to truly redefined your life - goals.

1.  If you view this world with a reality lens you will see that no one is your best friend -  Erasmus

2.  The  only person you are destined to become is the person you decided to be - Waldo Emerson

3.  Struggle to attain success now, old age weakens the bone - Erasmus

4.  It's natural for people to talk, yours is to give them headlines for them to broadcast you for more success - Erasmus

5.  Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday - Dale Carnegie

6.  You don't need to be better than anyone else, you just need to be better than you used to be - Wayne Dyer

7.  Never allow anyone to define you, define yourself - Erasmus

8. It's better to be grateful than to end up a great fool - David Ibiyeomie

The year has just began you can be the best and better version of yourself; it's called "determination". So, despite all the rough days and bad times you've been through in life, never lose hope nor give up on life. Be grateful to God everyday because you're someone else's prayer point.  

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Bitter truth


Having an encounter with him remains an interesting aspect of my life. I quickly recalled early 2020, when Uche told me the bitter truth which the video below confirm it all.

Got glued to this video, it's educative enjoy and learn as well.

Procastination a Killer

 Time waits for no one, it goes without turning back. Procastination is a great killer, a destroyer of destinies. It kills your ideas and potentials.

This is why Arthur Ashe advise you to 

" Start where you are

  Use what you have

Do what you can "

So, if you want to become a great vessel of honour, eliminate every excuses for not taking the needed and immediate action. Be focus and think positively always, let go of negativity and start right where you are now. 

Remember, do not procastinate instead emulate the I must do it now attitude.