Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Tips on how to handle a Toxic Relationship

Relationships often start  perfectly, but over time it changes and becomes very bad that it affects the individuals involve negatively.

Here are 3 strategic approaches that will help you build healthy and long - lasting relationships;

             * Be self - discipline

Be discipline, take charge of your own attitude and behavior and never lose control of yourself.  Handle situation with wisdom and stop overreacting over minor issues.

               * Set limits

It is vital to know your limits in your relationship as it helps to protect your sense of personal identity and guard you from being influenced by the demands of others, thereby creating mutual respect,understanding and trust among each other. This clear assertion of how  you want to be treated will enable you and your partner feel comfortable as well as developing positive self - esteem.

             * Be mindful of your responses

Instead of increasing the fire, try to quench it. Season your words with salt and control your responses in order not to increase the toxicity in your relationship.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Toxic Relationship

Gone are the days when good people meet and fall in love with each other. Today,the reverse is the case as good people are victims of bad or toxic relationships. No one deserves to be in any toxic relationship because one bad relationship could make you not to fall in love again. You deserve better.
17 POSSIBLE SIGNS OF A TOXIC                                      RELATIONSHIP

 Most times,it's very obvious that you are in a toxic relationship but you tend to ignore the signs maybe because you are not certain. It's vital to observe the following in your relationship to determine if it's toxic or not;
* No sense of creativity

 * The feeling of not being good enough for                   each other

 * Inability to accept and take responsibility               for each others' actions

 * Consistent lying habit from your partner

 *  Blaming your partner for your life not                    being as satisfying as you'd wish
                         it to be
  * Out of sight,out of mind mentality

 * Inability to confide in your spouse

 * Lack of attention from your partner

  * No sense of adequate relationship                                   security
 * When your partner is ashamed of you

  * The feeling of being lonely even when                             you are together

 * Absence of affection from your spouse

  * No compromise from your partner

  * Trial and error - No understanding of                       what you really want

 * Consistent misunderstandings between                      you and your spouse

 * Insincerity and cheating from your                                         partner
 * Abuses from your spouse.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Stupid in Love

Sarah and Jack had an awesome relationship, it was indeed a perfect one and desire of all and sundry. Both were students in the same institution but different faculty and they were living together like couple. Later. She realized that she contributes more into the relationship especially, the financial aspect but she never cared because she was in love. Along the way,other young men asked her for a relationship, some marriage but she bluntly refused because she was in love. Also,her love for Jack made her to accept any decision made by Jack.

One day,everything changed. It all started when Jack asked Sarah to date Mr. Frank, who a great businessman for just the monetary benefit and she blindly agreed,could this be love?. Days passed. Months came and gone. They graduated together, served in the same school. It was a perfect picture. Everyone were expectant of their marriage after service. It happened on a Friday morning, a day Sarah might not forget in a hurry. Jack ended their six years relationship because he doesn't know what he feels for Sarah all this while. Sarah was devastated,she almost killed herself because she was stupid in love but God helped her to live to tell her story.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Self - Love: The Greatest Love

Self love is an exceptional value in which you place on yourself. Love yourself with all you have and always make the best out of your life. Never use cruel words on yourself nor condemn yourself before anyone, this is because that's how they intend to regard you. Undoubtedly, the greatest love of all is loving yourself. This because you can't give out what you don't have. Remember, the Holy Book said that you should love your neighbour just as you love yourself.
Love lies within you and its' manifestation is seen on how you treat others. In essence,most persons in certain relationship treats others wrongly all because they are in love with you. When you love yourself so much,you tend to transfer it to others even if they don't value it. Some feels that you're a fool and comes up with plans to play you,while some value your love others don't. Always remember that any relationship that does not give you happiness does not worth it. Nevertheless,never give up on yourself, always love yourself because there is no another you.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Relationship: A Perfect Way To Handle

Relationship has a lot in store. It goes beyond the mentality of having sex and emotional entanglement.
 Some persons feels that relationship comprises of sex and passion alone.

 It is very imperative to note that, a perfect relationship is one that deals more on what the individuals involve has to offer to one another.
 That's, apart from sex:

*What can you offer to your spouse?

* Mentally, can you contribute greatly to the    success of your spouse?

 * Do you have the intellectual capacity to bring out the best in your spouse?

 * Are you creative enough to proffer solutions to certain problems?

 * What is the real definition of the "I Love You" in your relationship?

 * Don't you think that love is more than being physical with someone?

 * What do you possess that can impart positive changes in your spouse?
At this point, it's vital to understand that love is more than being physical with someone.

Love it not explorative, deceitful and does not need proves. In essence, no one should pressure you into having sex with them to proof your love. Just know that it's really wonderful to be in love, especially with the right person in a perfect relationship.

If being physical with someone is the ultimate guarantee for a perfect relationship, then anyone can gladly offer it since it's very cheap.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Healthy Relationship

Love is a beautiful thing and the feeling of being loved is absolutely wonderful. Love is the foundation of any relationship. The experiences, adventures, care and support makes it more fantastic. Beyond these,it's necessary to take into account that we all go into certain relationships based on what we stand to gain.

Honestly, no one ventures into any business without setting it's goals, aims and objectives, the same is applicable to relationships. Let's be real here,you won't remain or maintain any relationship that you will not benefit from. Self interest in any relationship is really not bad at all because it helps in enhancing the relationship. Naturally, we are all humans and it's in our nature to to be selfish. In essence, you tend to make your interest your first priority before considering others.

However,it's not so in a lasting relationship. This is because you are both connected and understands each other's needs and expectations and as well loyal to one another. Thus,it signifies that the both of you are on the same page in your relationship.

 In order to have healthy relationship,no pretence nor secrets, adequate or quality communication is necessary,trust,honesty respect,support and an open mind will help in flourishing your relationship.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Knowing The Real You

It is quite unfortunate that people prefer to live in the shell of others rather than living their lives to the fullest. Their lives and decisions are constantly influenced by the people they always listened to or wants to be like. The only way you can live happily,successful and fulfilled on earth is if you be you real self.

*Never compete with anyone, your only competitor is yourself.

* Never assumed to be like someone else,no one can ever be like you.

* Never underestimate your capabilities, you unique in your own ways.

* No one is smarter than you, and no one is better than you.

* Never feel inferior at any point in your life, you are always a high flyer in life.

* You know yourself better than anyone else, let no one give you a definition of yourself

.....Live effectively, dream big dreams because there is no real limit on what you can accomplish with your life.