Sunday, December 22, 2019

Toxic Relationship

Gone are the days when good people meet and fall in love with each other. Today,the reverse is the case as good people are victims of bad or toxic relationships. No one deserves to be in any toxic relationship because one bad relationship could make you not to fall in love again. You deserve better.
17 POSSIBLE SIGNS OF A TOXIC                                      RELATIONSHIP

 Most times,it's very obvious that you are in a toxic relationship but you tend to ignore the signs maybe because you are not certain. It's vital to observe the following in your relationship to determine if it's toxic or not;
* No sense of creativity

 * The feeling of not being good enough for                   each other

 * Inability to accept and take responsibility               for each others' actions

 * Consistent lying habit from your partner

 *  Blaming your partner for your life not                    being as satisfying as you'd wish
                         it to be
  * Out of sight,out of mind mentality

 * Inability to confide in your spouse

 * Lack of attention from your partner

  * No sense of adequate relationship                                   security
 * When your partner is ashamed of you

  * The feeling of being lonely even when                             you are together

 * Absence of affection from your spouse

  * No compromise from your partner

  * Trial and error - No understanding of                       what you really want

 * Consistent misunderstandings between                      you and your spouse

 * Insincerity and cheating from your                                         partner
 * Abuses from your spouse.


  1. Most times we are aware of these signs but always turn a blind eye to it.

  2. We always stay in most relationship hoping for a change. This is nice.
