Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Singleness before Marriage

Being single is a privilege. Singleness is a necessary phase in life that you have to pass through in order to succeed in marriage.
Don't allow society to influence your sense of judgment. It is better to be single or have a broken engagement than to suffer divorce. Singleness is a gift, you are wonderful and delicate so celebrate your season as a single.

 Life is in phases,while men are in sizes. Every phase in life prepares you for the next one and being a single is a necessarily phase in life that should prepare you for marriage.

 Wedding is simply an initiation into marriage while marriage is a lifetime journey. Don't rush into marriage because all your friends are getting married, have an insight about marriage first. This is because when preparation meets with opportunity results seems to success.

 There is no accidental fulfilment in marriage,if you are going to enjoy fulfilment in your marriage then you have to prepare yourself for marriage and there is no better time than now that you are still single.

The marriage you don't prepare for will confuse you when you get there. Preparation is vital for marriage because it is your preparation that determine your experience in marriage. Acquire knowledge mostly about marriage because what you don't know will definitely suffer you.

Ignorance is behind every obstacle in a person's life but if you want to live happily then be learned and make your life simple. Be useful in your days of singleness and cultivate good character as it sustains beauty because bad habit denies absolute happiness. You can't be perfect but you can be useful and needful.

 ......Be integrity personified

 Never forget that a happy planned home lays the foundation for a progressive nation.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Hurt People, Hurt People

It's harder than I thought to tell the truth especially when people are stuck with the wrong mindset. All of the pain and irony you must have faced must have left you in pieces and has harden your heart,yes,it really hurt.

Relationship is not that rosy, often times, people get hurt. However, it's not okay to go into a new relationship immediately after a broken one, there's need to heal first. This is because when people are really hurt by others they tend to do same to another in attempt to heal themselves.
  's really hurt when you hurt somebody as hurt people, hurt people.

 In every relationship, be careful the way you treat people. If you don't love someone, let them go don't hurt them.

   * Not everything is of equal priority to                                     you.

   * Always see yourself in others, what you              will not like for yourself,
                don't do it to others.

   * Never be the reason for someone's tears                           of pain.

  * Handle situations with love to avoid                              hurting people.

In it all,you will feel great for your awesome deeds.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

It's Really Good to make Mistakes

Often times I have made a lot of mistakes. Mostly, in trusting people close to me too much,underestimated the existence of evil especially on shining faces. In it all, I never expected anything from anyone. Maybe because I don't want to be crushed or disappointed, thereby becoming evilly in life.

Everyone makes mistakes. No one can avoid making mistakes because it's a normal part of life.
 "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried something new" - Albert Einstein.

 The only thing I don't regret are my mistakes rather I learn from them. This is because making mistakes proves that am not perfect and it reminds me that I need to strive harder for the best. It motivate me to work harder,learn very fast and do better than before by improving myself.

..... Indeed Mistakes are challenging tools.

Most people are stagnant because they are always conscious of their actions and are also afraid of making mistakes. If so,how then can they improve?
 Mahatma Gandhi said that "Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes ". 

Mistakes help us grow as individuals, as  it's enables us to learn from them and succeed in life.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

FAMILY : Always the Best

Family is everything in the entire world as it is the most vital aspect of human existence.

" What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family" - Mother Teresa.

 Family is the heart of home where there's family, there's love. Family isn't always by blood because it only makes you related but it is mostly the people in your life who also wants you in theirs and would go to any length to protect and accept you for who you truly are with genuine and unique love.  
Some family could be really weird, crazy,troublesome,and confusing but it doesn't really matters, they are family and no one can take that away from them.

 Mostly, you might not get along with your family, it's a normal thing. There are times when you fights,argues,disagree on things and certain decisions, regrets and even keep malice with one another. But it doesn't count because your love for your family will always be great. In the end,family is everything.

When tough times and trouble comes,your family's support is all you need. They give you reasons to smile and feel special.

Always love your family no matter who they are because they are forever and they makes up a huge part of who you are today.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

It Was a Fantasy

Ray, an ideal and dream man of almost every lady. The tone of his voice is always very romantic especially the way he calls out to Humeral is  spectacular.

His eyes very cool searching for amazement. When looks into his eyes,her lips slightly trembled as he looks irresistible and his lips very soft like every day's bread ready for consumption.

His marble - like face alone is enough to attract more girls. He was as dazzling as the diamond. In fact,he made her feel like the turbine behind his affection. She was lost in lust.

 When they had sex,those uncontrollable and sweet words added meaning to her life. To Humeral, life is beautiful being with him. Indeed she was lost. Her feelings were unimaginable and magical as she can hardly get a full grasp of it. But Ray never loved her.

To Ray, it was just for the moment. He only loves his freedom and wants to be flirting with any attractive girl whenever he wants. He has no space for commitment.

 She stood in a daze and glared at him for a while wondering how she got into her own fantasy.

She cried vehemently, it was just a fantasy..............

 Most times,people imagined a lovely relationship and love life and build it up as reality because they are being carried away in thoughts. Some fairy tales don't happen the way we had imagined.

 Not all men are the same, sometimes, we meet the right and wrong ones either way both changes our ideologies and how we see life and view the world entirely.

 Live right, FANTASY is not an option.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Emotional Entanglement : The Hidden Beast.

Emotional entanglement is a complicated or difficult relationship situation that you can't escape from easily. It's another sort of beast.

 Sometimes, people don't really appreciate who they are. They don't have personal stability, the one that comes out of personal revelation of who you are. They don't have a healthy self - esteem so they feel  that the only way to feel among is to maintain their existing relationships. Truly, some people are not really bad but you don't need them in your life because your choices of people to be with would definitely determine your fate.

Today, so many lives are littered with emotional entanglement. Most persons fall into an entanglement and regard it to be love because they feel strongly attached to each other and lack the adequacy to to know themselves or their partner better. In such relationships because you are being manipulated unknowingly, you feel incomplete without your partner. The truth seems insubstantial,you feel indebted to your partner. Most times, it weighs you down greatly and can even restrict your freedom and connection with your family and friends. Despite all the breakups, you keep coming back together. Emotional entanglement is very bad and difficult to avoid because you will always feel trapped in the relationship.

 It is never too late to reinvent yourself ,so don't wait and ruin your life. Do what makes you feel great no matter what.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

True Love: Does it really exist?

They said that love is a very beautiful thing and that it's one of the best feelings in the world, but does true love really exist?

Today, people engage in lust instead of love, the rest is fiction. Some persons come into your life just like an angel, caring, impressive and lovable. In fact,they appear to be everything you have ever dreamt of but does that really count for true love.

If you want to ascertain true love, then go see a movie because the idea of true love is just an imagination. The idea of true love is knotty in nature, whereas some persons are infatuated and obsessed.

It might interest you to know that true love does not exist, but romance does. Many people profess love to each other for what they stand to gain. Others do so for the benefit of having sex. People can go to any length  to achieve their desires not minding if they hurt others or not, could this actually be true love?

Life itself is a game so is love,nothing goes for nothing. Imagine when a man claims to be truly in love with a lady and is ready to go extra miles for her but in a bit all the feelings can varnish when he sees another lady whom he felt is the right person he's in love with, same goes to the ladies. How many hearts do you have  that possesses love for different people. Truly, true love does not exist, it's just an assumption of the unrealistic truth.

 ....... Correct me if you are sure am wrong.