Thursday, January 16, 2020

Hurt People, Hurt People

It's harder than I thought to tell the truth especially when people are stuck with the wrong mindset. All of the pain and irony you must have faced must have left you in pieces and has harden your heart,yes,it really hurt.

Relationship is not that rosy, often times, people get hurt. However, it's not okay to go into a new relationship immediately after a broken one, there's need to heal first. This is because when people are really hurt by others they tend to do same to another in attempt to heal themselves.
  's really hurt when you hurt somebody as hurt people, hurt people.

 In every relationship, be careful the way you treat people. If you don't love someone, let them go don't hurt them.

   * Not everything is of equal priority to                                     you.

   * Always see yourself in others, what you              will not like for yourself,
                don't do it to others.

   * Never be the reason for someone's tears                           of pain.

  * Handle situations with love to avoid                              hurting people.

In it all,you will feel great for your awesome deeds.

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