Sunday, December 27, 2020

Love, Relationships and Pains.

 Love is a mere word in the hearts of many.  We kill that which we love and cherish. No one wants to be close to us because it's a mere nothing. So many people have lost hope in true love because it doesn't exist. Some experiences are hurtful and unforgettable than the pleasure that came with it.

Along the path of love, so many people lost it all. To some, their lives, while others, their time, investments, opportunities, happiness and shattered hearts. Gone are the days when good people meet and fall in love with each other. Today, the reverse is the case. Most  innocent and naive people meets and get entangled with the wrong people. As a result of this bitter experiences, they tends not to love again. While some people  hurts others in order to vent their anger.

To many, the dose of sorrow has not allowed them to inhale fresh air. If you don't love him / her why pretend to. Have you really asked yourself few questions such as ;

* Why the struggle for security when you are not sure of any commitment. 

*Do hurt people actually hurts people?

* Have you thought of the consequences of your actions?

* If am the one hurt, how would I feel?

* Can I ever trust anyone to love again?

Two types of Relationships

There are two types of relationships in life;

1. Those that inspire us to give our best and those that destroy us.

2. Those that give us peace and those that take it away.

I don't know why and how we choose wrongly most of the time. Why do people choose the type of love that tears them apart? However, society and it's stereotype push people toward that chaos. Although, it teaches us that pain is fun, meanwhile it isn't. This is because pain is preserve, it's exciting yet painful.

We have to learn to love again because it's our duty as humans but if you don't love someone let them be, don't play smart, it kills emotionally, psychologically and physically in the end.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Successful Lifestyle

 Individually, we have different definitions of success. To me, ' success is the attainment of realistic laid down goals'. It could also mean learning from failure through the application of contrivance ( use of skill ) to succeed.

Successful people are goal oriented people. Once they are determined to accomplishing success, nothing can stop them. Despite the storm, they always succeeds.

Successful people are not the ' knowing people ' but the 'learning people '. The reason been that 'knowing people'  are always stock in their outdated and moribund knowledge towards success. While the' learning people' would not loss touch of current successful trends as well as being motivated or relent from learning from successful people.


       Successful lifestyle demands that;

* If you want to attain success, never have a negative mentality or stay around negative people. Emulate other successful people's positive strategies. This is because keeping negative and failure mindset people around you might over time influence you or change your ideology towards success. 

*Successful people only focus on positivity - be optimistic.

*Success people are not lazy. They are zealous and productive individuals. Ever determined to pursue and achieve success.

*If you want to be successful, be ready and avoid  too much sleep. This is because sleepy people are not leaders.  Remember that preparation meets opportunity for success to be attained. So, when you sleep too much how can you prepare yourself for success. Be guided, set roles for yourself.

*Living a successful lifestyle doesn't mean you won't face challenges, but your ability to overcome it without regrets makes the difference.

Believe in can only get better.

Monday, December 14, 2020

Spiral of Silence

 She's always on point, most of her peers are envious of her. Everyday, she goes to Dubai, on some occasion, she's in France but not alone always with him. He is someone's joy, pride and everything but he belongs to her.

Why am I suffering so much while Ella has it all. Maybe I have been cursed for nothing, so unlucky lamented Sarah.

If only Sarah and  others knew the in- depth analysis of Ella's pains and agonies behind her shining face and glittering white tooth. If only they  she knew that she has stolen someone's joy yet she's not joyous. If only they knew how Ella is envious of them. She has sold her freedom and dignity to him, he own her completely. Such is life. She has never broken silence so one knew what she's going through.

Today, people are envious of others without knowing their source of income, their personal life style, relationships, as well as knew the challenges and pains they go through unspoken. Why the low self-esteem? 

Low self-esteem can discourage you from attaining success. This makes you wallow in silence and your creative ideas ignored intrinsically.  No need for spiral of Silence be free to express yourself even when you are not on track, be confident and bold.


In order to overcome low self-esteem and spiral of silence; 

* Place more value on you life. 

* Determine to do something great because    you are a great personality with great and brighter potential hidden within you that you need to explore. 

*Love yourself before you can love someone     else 

* Envy no one rather than yourself and be contended with what you have.

* Have a positive thinking mentality, avoid negative thoughts.

* Choose your friends don't let friends chose you to astray.

* Sometimes, most things  are not necessarily good for you, be conscious.

* Don't allow active voices to put you in silence, be brave and of good courage.