Individually, we have different definitions of success. To me, ' success is the attainment of realistic laid down goals'. It could also mean learning from failure through the application of contrivance ( use of skill ) to succeed.
Successful people are goal oriented people. Once they are determined to accomplishing success, nothing can stop them. Despite the storm, they always succeeds.
Successful people are not the ' knowing people ' but the 'learning people '. The reason been that 'knowing people' are always stock in their outdated and moribund knowledge towards success. While the' learning people' would not loss touch of current successful trends as well as being motivated or relent from learning from successful people.
Successful lifestyle demands that;
* If you want to attain success, never have a negative mentality or stay around negative people. Emulate other successful people's positive strategies. This is because keeping negative and failure mindset people around you might over time influence you or change your ideology towards success.
*Successful people only focus on positivity - be optimistic.
*Success people are not lazy. They are zealous and productive individuals. Ever determined to pursue and achieve success.
*If you want to be successful, be ready and avoid too much sleep. This is because sleepy people are not leaders. Remember that preparation meets opportunity for success to be attained. So, when you sleep too much how can you prepare yourself for success. Be guided, set roles for yourself.
*Living a successful lifestyle doesn't mean you won't face challenges, but your ability to overcome it without regrets makes the difference.
Believe in can only get better.