Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Good Moments

                     The Jungle Life

                      Episode Three

                   ( Good Moments)

The sky smiled with white lightening, hoping it would be a good day. The brightness of the day and the neighborhood calmness was extreme especially, with only smiling faces one would wonder if an angel has stepped into the Ogigi neighborhood.

I was happy and carried away, maybe because this is my first time of observing and experiencing peace in the Ogigi family. Everyone were very happy. I was still daydreaming when Ruth ignited the fire,

" From the very first day you came into my life I knew you were senseless, just get close to me and see if I won't injure you with this bottle", she yelled aggressively and positions herself for war.

"Fool, you are at it again eh", grandma Nne was very upset with Ruth. " You can't speak to Derrick in that manner, he has always supported you, just because things are no longer well with him doesn't give you the right to insult him", she warned Ruth angrily.  Ruth and Derrick were still exchanging words despite Nne's warnings when I realized that it was 14th February ( Valentine's Day).

Usually, Valentine's day is always complicated with only untrue lovers. This is because true lovers always finds happiness in each other. Happiness is when you feel good about yourself without feeling the need for anyone else's approval. It could be that Ruth has found her Val which brought about this sudden hatred for Derrick . Am still wondering if one day's love experience deserve it. Love should be a daily dose and not a yearly celebrations. Good moments should last forever.

The dispute continued with almost everyone attacking one another.

"You have all ruin my day, what a terrible family", Precious lamented.

The rest of the day was moody but Ruth was not. She still went out, maybe she 's the only one who had good moment on Valentine's day.

Today, most relationships are garbage in, garbage out. We have broken souls in our societies trying to come out of depression. The place of love has been taken by lust. Most persons don't deserve the love story they are editing right now but who's to be blame? Life is not all about taking but giving. Remember, there's always two sides of a coin, let's 'Love'  be a balanced diet. No need for pretence, if you don't love and care for someone then end it, stop the deceiving tactics sometimes, it backfires.

No one is stupid in love. At one point, people do realize that some people are not necessarily good for them. Ruth had her way on that particular Val's day but it ended her relationship with Derrick because he realized that it was not worth it. 

Friday, March 19, 2021

Family Heritage Unknown

                         The Jungle Life

                            Episode Two
                ( Family Heritage Unknown)

The name 'Ogigi' is ascribed to some families in Elelenwo Port Harcourt, Rivers State Nigeria. However, this particular Ogigi family am referring to, is a unique one with classified history and attributes.

Family, they say is everything but the Ogigis' have their  own definition of a family. No one values the other. Everyone is a Master. At noon, the neighborhood is calm and bored at the same time. The music channel is turned off, everyone in the Ogigi family has gone out in search of greener pastures.

I glanced through the window to embrace the freshness of the day and I saw her. I looked again for clarity and certainty, truly, it was her. She's back, I have heard alot about her.

" She's the family misery", said Alice.

I took a closer look at her, " she looks like someone in agony who must have been tortured seriously, don't you think so Alice."

Alice nodded in agreement, " Victoria that's her name." She continued, " people said that she's mad. For four months now her eldest sister took her for prayers."

 " It's mental illness, all she need is a proper medical care,"  I persist.

"This is my house, I inherited it from my father. No one can chase me out of my heritage," Victoria yelled.

I could hear her destroying valuable things as well as noises from people trying to manage the situation.

She's at it again ooooh, I told you that she's really mad and has gone beyond medical care." Alice was affrighted while explaining the senerio. I was astonished and anxious at the same time.

"What could have  led to this act of violence, could it be that of a family hereditary, or maybe she was derelict for long", what family heritage is unknown to the Ogigis!!! I wondered. I was rummaging because I never expected such trepidation from such a calm looking lady. For a moment, she was calm but well tied. This explains all the scares and fresh bruises on her body.

"I can hear some voices in my head", Victoria murmured. 

She looks like someone that has lived with tormentors in her head that continuously attacks and punishes her as well as drains vital energy from her. It's the cause of untold misery and unhappiness, as well as disease. She has a strong emanation of anger that certain people picks up subliminally which  triggers their own latent anger.

Love, joy and peace are three aspects of the state of inner connectedness with being which Victoria doesn't possess.

Immediately, Alice turned to me, " she's the  eldest sister in the Ogigi family, Chioma that's her name. Alice continued with her narration ; " she's married and does not live here with the Ogigis'. Chioma took the responsibility to care for Victoria in her present state. She looks different from others in her family." I was mute.

"Oh God, what's this,for how long will she continue to suffer", Chioma lamented.

Could Victoria have created this pain for herself? I became curious because there are two levels to ones pains; the pains that you create now and the pains from the past that still live in your mind and body. Indecision is deadly. Most of the miserable people are those who can never make a right decision, thereby creating unnecessary pains for themselves.

................ Always be safe. Till next week Wednesday.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

The Experience

                The Jungle Life

(A True Tale of an Ogigi Family in Elelenwo Port Harcourt, Rivers State Nigeria).


                  *Episode One*

                The Experience 

As early as six o'clock in the morning, breakfast is served with pounded yam, fufu and or bake garri with soup. Each person with their bowl, aggressively eating without minding another as if they had escaped death. 

Nne is the oldest ( grandmother) of the Ogigi family. She's dark in complexion,slim with  an average height, her face is full with wrinkle so crumple as she barely smiles. Her voice is thunderstorm, if possible, it can wake the dead. She's energetic but troublesome and never accept the fact that she's aged. She's friendly with younger ladies whose hobby is gossiping.

Everyone live together as an extended family with extended problems. The early morning chaos, the drama, beatings, quarrels and fightings are familiar songs to their neighbors.

" Nora don't stand there to look foolishly go and get ready for school", Jennifer screamed.

"This is the Ogigi family. It has always been this way, said Alice." I was perplexed and confused instantly.

"What? I said indignantly. I can't live here, this is absurd. "

Alice our house assistant and my aunt Rose have adapted to the system already. I just graduated from college, hoping to get a break and to rest a little at my aunt's house but this seems to be mission impossible.

" How am I suppose to cope with all these mess" I exclaim as I wandered to myself with vexation. 

Then again, it occurred to me that at some point, I don't need to let my brain gets too  comfortable in my everyday surrounding. I need to make it uncomfortable by spending time in another location among different people that operates differently than me.

To me, it's a Jungle with different ideologies. Although, living with the Ogigi in the same compound is like a constant nightmares. It was an excruciating dilemma, until I realized that the ability to make quick decisions is an important skill. Everything became clear to me. In this Jungle, there's new inspiration, ideas, culture, insight and motivation. It was this drive that instigated me to write this story.

Everything happening in the Ogigi family visualize reality. It's so real each day that it looks like am viewing a reality show.  However, this Jungle has fed me creatively, socially, morally,, spiritually and literally. Am able to learn from their wrongs just as you soon would my wonderful reader.

............... Stay safe. Episode two on Friday!!!!